This website is an opportunity to view our investment homes. Every home you will see on this website is owned by a husband and wife dynamic duo. We are Raphael and Tiffany and we are pleased to allow you the opportunity to rent our luxury residential homes.
During the midst of the economic setbacks within the real estate market, we strive to allow those families facing foreclosures, adjustable rate mortgages, corporate job downsizing or those needing more space, the ability to look towards the future.
We believe our investment homes have become an integral and valuable resource for executives, professional basketball players, short-term corporate assignments and families relocating to Memphis and its surrounding suburbs.
Raphael is an investor in the Memphis and Atlanta Metro Areas. Tiffany is an investor and a licensed Real Estate Agent with Best Real Estate Company in Memphis TN and Solid Source Realty, Inc. in Atlanta GA.
Our website is a unique tool you can visit daily to see new homes available or homes that are currently under renovation. The website is updated instantly to reflect our updated inventory. Our idea is to allow the website to be a one-stop channel to starting a new life in a new home in a new area.
Please take your time and explore the site and come back often.

If you are unsure about buying a home at this particular moment and need some time to think about the option, we have a program for you. Our rental option is to support those individuals or families that want the luxury of living in a residential home without the nuances of apartment living. You will qualify for the Rental Option if the following applies:
Good to Perfect Credit Profile
No Bankruptcies within the last 3 years
No Foreclosures within the last 3 years
No Rental Judgments from previous landlords
Self-employment requires 12-month rental payment up front
We give everyone the opportunity to accomplish the "American Dream" of owning a home. If you have experienced the following you will qualify for the Lease Purchase Option:
Foreclosure within the last 3 years
Recent bankruptcies within the last 3 years
Rental judgments from previous landlords
If the above applies to your credit situation, you will be required to apply for the Lease Purchase Option. Typically, this down payment is 3% of the purchase price and the application process is non-qualifying.
We offer a unique option for those individuals and/or families who are budget conscious. If you want the convenience and security of living in a home and have cash on hand to lower the rental amount. This option is for you:
For example: The monthly rental payment is $1000.00
Your monthly budget is $850
You have the option to pay 12 months X $150 ($1000-$850) = $1800
in advance at the time of lease renewal annually
Areas of passion for investing in "Our" Memphis community

In 2014, the median sales price of a home in Collierville is $286,000, up 2.7%, or $7,550 from the same period one year ago. The average listing price for homes for sale in Collierville is currently $355,855. Average price per square foot currently in Collierville is $104, an increase of 2% compared to the same period last year.

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Best Real Estate Company
6825 Summer Avenue
Memphis TN 38134
Mrs. Tiffany Owens Mitchell, ABR
REALTOR, Investor, Affiliate Broker
901.218.9457 (cell)
901.234.0142 (personal fax)
901.407.2177 (office)
1.866.278.2875 (office fax)
Each office independently owned and operated